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Transitional Safeguarding

Transitional Safeguarding has several strands. Serious Youth Violence, Mental Health, Substance Use, Youth Offending, Exploitation,  SEND, Leaving Care. This strand of our work is overseen by our Adolescent Safeguarding Strategic Board, chaired by the Director of Children’s Services.

The ToR is here here

The Adolescent Safeguarding Strategy is here .

Transitions to Adulthood Panel

Transitions occur through various stages of a young person’s life from starting primary school, moving to secondary school, preparing for independence and leaving home. Transitions also coincide with physical, emotional, psychological and physiological developments that are coupled with changes to roles and relationships with family, friends, community and professionals.  The Panel  meets monthly and considers young people on the brink of leaving local authority care; those with substance use, or mental health concerns, SEND, young people vulnerable to exploitation and serious youth violence,  or youth offending issues. Referrals can begin from the age of 14 years.  The Panel produces a multi-agency Transitions Plan for each young person referred.

Havering Council

IASS (Integrated Adolescent Safeguarding Support Service)

Serious Youth Violence

In response to identified national and local trends concerning the multi-faceted nature of child exploitation and adolescent risk including but not limited to County Lines, Modern Slavery, Radicalisation, Sexual Exploitation Knife Crime, Trafficking, and  Gangs and Groups we have developed a multi-agency  Exploitation Protocol in Havering to support those working with children and young people


The MACE Panel is a strategic group which  considers

  • Child Sexual Exploitation
  • Child Criminal Exploitation
  • Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery

The ToR is here:LBH MACE Terms of Reference updated November 2022 (003)


HARM Panel  is an operational group which meets monthly and considers children and young people who are missing and  / or being exploited.

The ToR is here:HARM ToR 2023

Serious Group Violence Vulnerability Index – Criteria 2.0

Apendix 1 Havering Violence Reduction Action Plan 002.pdf

Pan London Exploitation Protocol 2021:

Pan London Exploitation Protocol Powerpoint

Exploitation Concerns (V3)

Information Sharing about Exploitation

Sometimes you may have some intelligence or information about an adult or child which may raise concerns of exploitation; someone being picked up by a taxi that is always hanging around; people hanging around outside school; young people frequenting a house where maybe someone with a learning disability lives. You may not be sure there is anything serious going on and so there is not enough information to make a referral to MASH. But this information may be a missing piece of the jigsaw and you can share it with Police using this form: Police Partner information sharing form

Local Learning – find our 7 minute briefings below:

SYV 7 minute briefing here


This Discretionary SAR (Safeguarding Adults’ Review) was published in 2022 and has learning around working with  vulnerable young adults and the transition to adult services. Find the 7 minute briefing here

Community MARAC  7 minute briefing here:

MASTER Havering Community MARAC TOR Feb 2022

HSCP Exploitation Protocol May 2024