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Child Deaths

Child Death Review (CDR) System Overview

The local arrangements for implementing the Child Death Review (CDR) System have been agreed across Barking & Dagenham, Havering and Redbridge (BHR) and are published below. Each child death is reviewed independently, whether the death takes place naturally, accidentally or in concerning circumstances at a Child Death Review Meeting (CDRM). Deaths are responded to at a  multi-agency Joint Agency Review (JAR) meeting within 72 hours. The Tri-borough CDOP (Child Death Overview Panel) then oversees the review into all regional child deaths, aggregating local  and national learning and themes, sharing this back with the LSCPs. This is overseen by NEL CCG. Most reviews are undertaken within 6-12 months.

Barking, Havering and Redbridge Child Death Review System Overview June 2019 (PDF 2MB)

For further information, please contact the CDOP Manager, Jeanette Ford, via 020 3182 3515 or e-mail .

Notification of a Child Death

The notification of a child death should be undertaken via completion of Form A on the eCDOP System within 24 hours using the link below:

BHR eCDOP System

Bereavement Support:

The Child Death Helpline is available for bereaved parents and carers.  It is staffed by people that have experienced the death of a child.

Child Death Helpline:  0800 282 986 or 0808 800 601 or Child Death Helpline contact

There is local bereavement support available for families and staff involved at such a difficult time. Key local themes as a Tri-borough are safe sleeping, serious youth violence and substance use.

Find further information here:

Guidance on Child Death Reviews for parents

Child Death Reviews Data 2021

Safe Sleeping advice

ROSPA  (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents)

ROSPA Keeping kids safe campaign for 0-4s

CAPT (Child Accident Prevention Trust)

Button Battery Safety

Looking after a baby or child when you have epilepsy

When a Child dies – A guide for parents and carers

When a child dies – A guide for parents and carers