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Notifiable child safeguarding incidents

Notification of Serious Child Safeguarding Incident 

Notifiable incidents relate to children and young people aged up to 18 years old. Deaths and serious incidents for Care Leavers should be notified to 25 years of age.

Serious child safeguarding incidents are those in which:  

  • abuse or neglect of a child is known or suspected; and   
  • the child has died or been seriously harmed. 

Serious harm includes (but is not limited to) serious and/or long-term impairment of a child’s mental health or intellectual, emotional, social or behavioural development. It should also cover impairment of physical health.  

Children who have caused harm may also be the subject of a notification, if the definition of serious child safeguarding incident is met.  

Any individual or organisation working with children should inform the Havering Safeguarding Children Partnership of any incident they believe meets the above criteria. 

A referral should be made as soon as possible after the serious incident occurs. Professionals should discuss the case with a manager or designated safeguarding lead within their agency to help formulate the rationale.  

This form should be completed as soon as possible all information available at the time of completion.  If some information is unavailable, do not delay in completing the notification.  Additional facts can be collated later. 

A multi-agency Rapid Review of the serious incident will be undertaken, which will determine whether a formal Child Safeguarding Practice Review or other type of further learning review is required. You and your manager will be informed of the outcome. 

If you need further advice on completing this form please contact:   


Completed notification forms should be sent to