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Elisabeth Major

Learning and Participation Manager – Havering Safeguarding Children Partnership

Elisabeth manages the Havering Safeguarding Children Partnership.  She qualified as a social worker 25 years ago and worked mainly in child protection in London. In Havering, Elisabeth manages Team Members and liaises with the Chair, Independent Scrutineer, Statutory Partners and key strategic and operational boards.

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Partnership Coordinator – Havering Safeguarding Children Partnership

Thilini is the Partnership Coordinator for the Havering Safeguarding Adults Board. They support the development of initiatives across the local multi-agency safeguarding partnership for adults, working with senior managers and staff, to help embed processes and practice. Thilini has 17 years of experience working with families in different local authorities in London and she gained a Level 5 in Health and Social Care in 2015.


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Training and Development Officer – Havering Safeguarding Children Partnership

Samantha coordinates the multi-agency training programme for professionals working with children and adults in Havering including the annual Safeguarding Week and other events. Her main responsibility and focus is ensuring the provision of high quality safeguarding training for everyone who works with adults, children and young people across Havering. For more information on our learning and development opportunities click here.



Administrator – Havering Safeguarding Children Partnership

Maria is the Safeguarding Children Partnership (SCP) administrator and has worked in Havering’s Children Social Care for over 20 years, primarily supporting the safeguarding team. Maria attends all of the Havering Safeguarding Partnership Board and associated sub groups taking accurate minutes during complex meetings. Part of Maria’s role is to support and work closely with the Partnership and Learning Manager to develop the work programme, ensuring that the SCP Business Plan and working groups activity are aligned and key priorities identified through Learning Reviews , audits , reviews and inspection.