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Safeguarding in after school clubs

Date: Tuesday, 10th May 2022 | Category: LADO

The BBC has found through a freedom of information request that more than 80 safeguarding referrals were made about after-school clubs in the past five years in England and Wales. These included allegations of sexual abuse, neglect, physical harm, unexplained bruising and incidents involving children who had soiled themselves.

A Department for Education spokesperson said in a statement:

 “Every child should feel safe in education, including at after-school clubs. That’s why local agencies can use a range of legislative powers – including safeguarding, health and safety, and premises regulations powers – to protect children from harm.”

Read the news story: Scores of safeguarding complaints at after-school clubs

You can find out about recognising and responding to abuse by visiting the NSPCC website by clicking here

Please also see the Government Publication:

Keeping children safe during community activities, after-school clubs and tuition: non-statutory guidance for providers running out of school settings

Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)

Safeguarding children is everybody’s responsibility.  All staff working in an education setting have a responsibility to report a concern if they believe a member of staff has behaved inappropriately towards a child.  All concerns should be escalated to senior management and/or the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO).

Havering Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)
Telephone: 01708 431653

Here is the LADO referral and monitoring form.

For more information please visit our Safer Recruitment and LADO page.