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Reporting Concerns

If there is an immediate risk of serious harm then call the Police – Dial 999. 

Otherwise please report abuse to us below: 

Adult Social Services Safeguarding Adults Team 
Telephone: 01708 433 550

Adults at risk are people who are 18 and over who are vulnerable. This can include: 

  • the elderly 
  • frail people 
  • those with learning or physical disabilities 
  • people with health issues 
  • people with mental health needs  

Importantly there can be people who have social care needs but may not be known to us. 

The next steps 

  • the safeguarding adults team will receive the referral and contact you
  • they will see if it meets the threshold for safeguarding adults 
  • if it does they will investigate further 

Making  a MASH Referral

If you are concerned that an adult is at risk or experiencing abuse and neglect, then the criteria is met to make a  Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) referral as soon as possible. This is an opportunity, usually with consent, to explain the problems the individual with care and support needs is facing, and your views on what would help.   It is important  to include not just details of the concern, but why you are concerned.

We are supporting practitioners and members of the public in making effective referrals. Please see our 7 minute  here .

Please see two good examples of anonymised referrals below:

Adults’ MASH good standard referral 1

Adults MASH good standard referral.2

This flow chart shows the process very clearly

Flow Chart

Information Sharing about Exploitation

Sometimes you may have some intelligence or information about an adult or child which may raise concerns of exploitation; someone being picked up by a taxi that is always hanging around; people hanging around outside school; young people frequenting a house where maybe someone with a learning disability lives. You may not be sure there is anything serious going on and so there is not enough information to make a referral to MASH. But this information may be a missing piece of the jigsaw and you can share it with Police using this form:

Police Partner information sharing form