Worried about an adult?
Find out about Better Living support and adult social care here
Or call 01708 432000 during the office hours of 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.
If it’s an emergency & outside usual office hours call 01708 433999.
Further information here
Advice re daily living concerns from Peabody
Mental Health
Telephone: 0800 995 1000 (Freephone)
Call for Mental Health help and advice anytime day or night. NELFT can arrange for an adult to speak with a mental health professional. They can also signpost to services and support.
If there is an immediate risk of serious harm then call the Police – Dial 999.
Otherwise please report abuse to us below:
Adult Social Services Safeguarding Adults Team
Telephone: 01708 433 550
Email: safeguarding_adults_team@havering.gov.uk
Safeguarding Concerns
Report the abuse of a vulnerable adult
Adults at risk are people who are 18 and over who are vulnerable. This can include:
- the elderly
- frail people
- those with learning or physical disabilities
- people with health issues
- people with mental health needs
Importantly there can be people who have social care needs but may not be known to us.
The next steps
- the safeguarding adults team will receive the referral
- they will see if it meets the threshold for safeguarding adults
- if it does they will investigate further
- you may hear nothing, don’t be alarmed it does not mean that nothing is being done