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SAB Newsletter (August 2022)

Date: Thursday, 25th Aug 2022 | Category: SAB Newsletter

Havering Cyber Crime

The Metropolitan Police have announced that there were 101 cyber-crime offences in Havering last month (July 2022) with a total loss of £411,687.05. The average loss per victim was £4076.11.

Learn about fraud advice here:  Havering Fraud Newsletter

Havering Multi-Agency Training

The Safeguarding Partnerships, Police, NEL ICS, DASC, DCS would like to thank the 443 volunteers and professionals who work with adults and children in Havering, for attending safeguarding training despite the difficulties of the pandemic.

Please take a look at our local safeguarding children and adults funded training offer, which can be found here: where you’ll find more live and recorded webinars to attend plus e-learning, and briefings which are available at any time. There is a small cancellation fee, if you are unable to let us know that you can’t make a session

Havering Safeguarding Week this year runs from 7th-11th November with events being mostly online, so please keep an eye out for further updates.

Multi-agency training resumes in September.

Havering Association for People with Disabilities – HAD

HAD provide a broad range of services and activities for people with disabilities with the aim to improve quality of life, promote independence and meet physical, recreational and emotional needs. They provide a mixed range of Peer Support and Social Inclusion Services along with information on all aspects of disability. If you are interested in finding out more about services, events and volunteering opportunities please visit: or phone 01708 476554.

World Suicide Prevention Day

Mental Health First Aid England believe that through education and intervention, suicide is one of the most preventable deaths.  They will be running a free webinar as part of World Suicide Prevention Day in September. Please register your interest to attend below:

Suicide prevention: Building safer workplaces and communities Tickets, Tue 6 Sep 2022 at 10:00 | Eventbrite

New Early Help MASH Portal

The London Borough of Havering will soon be using the EHM portal to receive referrals into the service. As many of you will be aware this has been in discussion for some time.

In October 2022 the EHM portal will go live and all referrals for Childrens Social Care or Early Help will be completed via the new online platform.

Further updates and information will be cascaded nearer to the launch date. Click here for the guide Havering EHM Portal

Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF)

The PSIRF will replace the current Serious Incident Framework (2015) and will provide guidance on how NHS organisations respond to patient safety incidents and ensure compassionate engagement with those affected. Secondary care providers will be asked to begin preparing to transition to PSIRF from September 2022. Preparation is expected to take 12 months with all organisations transitioning to PSIRF by autumn 2023. Please click on the link to learn more.

NHS England » Patient Safety Incident Response Framework

This topic will be discussed further at our next SAB in October.

BHRUT and Dementia

The BHRUT Dementia Team are now able to see in ‘Real Time’ patients with Dementia Alerts who present in the Emergency Departments. The benefit of early recognition is that as soon as the patient is in the department, an early risk assessment can be triggered by the Dementia Team who can then implement the Blue Wristband scheme. On admission to the ward, the Blue Wristband applied in ED will allow for an early recognition of the dementia patient and trigger an early referral and care plan.

Also BHRUT in partnership with Dementia UK, have recruited two Admiral Nurses who come equipped with advanced skills and experience in dementia care. These nurses, although based in BHRUT hospitals will work collaboratively and alongside other professionals from different care settings. This ensures that the experience of coming into hospital and returning home is managed as smoothly as possible and with the carer in mind.

Family Welcome Centre

Planning consent has been granted for a new centre to provide emergency accommodation for vulnerable families in Havering.

Proposed plans include a new Health Centre, a secure courtyard, communal facilities and breakout spaces to support families’ physical and mental wellbeing. Click the link to read more.

Harold Hill’s new Family Welcome Centre given go-ahead | The London Borough Of Havering

Community Diagnostic Centre

The NHS is asking residents across the area covered by the BHRUT hospitals of Queen’s and King George for their views on proposals to be able to increase the number of checks, scans and tests.

One proposal is to build a dedicated Community Diagnostic Centre at Barking Community Hospital for a range of diagnostics such as CT and MRI scans, ultrasounds and blood tests.

The NHS wants to hear from residents about what is important to you when accessing these services. For example, what should the environment be like at the diagnostic centre, and what appointment times should be offered?

Please complete the short online survey, before 9 September

Lone Workers

Lone workers can be at greater risk of harm as they may not have anyone to help or support them if things go wrong. Employers should provide training, supervision, monitoring and support for those working alone.

The HSE’s free-to-download leaflet Protecting lone workers: How to manage the risks of working alone: is for anyone who employs lone workers, or engages them as contractors etc. including self-employed people. The updated guidance contains a new section on how to protect lone workers from the risk of work-related violence; more information on how managers should keep in touch with lone workers and new advice on the impact lone working can have on stress, mental health and wellbeing

The leaflet is supported by lone working webpages which include advice aimed at lone workers themselves.

A Special Focus on Dental Safeguarding

As patients return to their dental practices, clinicians may see signs of physical and emotional trauma and be privy to the disclosure of such issues during examination and treatments.

Dental teams often see patients over a long period and may be the first to notice changes in behaviours and self-care that may indicate self-neglect and a need for support. Facial and dental injuries with sometimes inconsistent histories can be a sign of physical abuse of which dental teams should be mindful. Concerns should be raised for patients who are dependent on carers/family for support and are not brought to dental appointments. The concern should be discussed with the person who should have been brought to their appointment, and contact made with their care/support system. When concerns relate to dental neglect and are accompanied by signs of general neglect a safeguarding referral should be made.

Clinicians should all be confident in using judgement to help protect people from neglect, abuse, exploitation and violence.

The General Dental Council Standards requires registrants to raise concerns for those at risk of abuse or neglect, and the Care Quality Commission Safeguarding Statement specifically seeks assurance of the dental team’s competence in safeguarding them

The Public Health England Toolkit recommends that every dental practice should have a named Safeguarding Practice Lead to ensure all members of staff know how to access the NHS Safeguarding app

SAB Escalation Policy

The Havering Safeguarding Adults Board (HSAB) Escalation Policy is designed to ensure that all agencies including health, police, adults’ social care and third sector organisations have access to a straight-forward multi-agency policy to quickly resolve, and where necessary escalate professional differences where there is concern that the welfare and safety of adults and young people are at risk of being compromised.

What is the aim of the policy?

Escalation & Dispute Resolution Policy The aim of the policy is to promote a culture of partnership working, whereby all agencies working with adults and their families feel confident, able and supported to address concerns in situations where there are differences in professional judgements around the response to the wellbeing and safety of adults. If an adult is thought to be at immediate harm, an agency’s designated safeguarding lead must be informed without delay.


Disagreements between practitioners can arise at any stage in the safeguarding process and between any agency involved. Examples of potential areas of disagreement may include: • Levels of need • Roles • Responsibilities • The need for action • Progression plans • Communication

Key Points

Any worker who feels that a decision is not appropriate or an action is delayed, can consult with their supervisor/manager. Records should be kept in order to evidence the source of concerns. The policy is not designed to replace the statutory complaints processes established within individual partner agencies. All agencies are responsible for ensuring that their staff are supported and know how to escalate and resolve inter-agency concerns.

Professionals should attempt to resolve any differences through discussion, with the aim for any disagreements to be resolved at the lowest possible stage. The Health Designated Professional are available to give advice at any time

Resolution Process

If any agency considers the actions, inactions or decision of another agency do not adequately safeguard an adult, then the following should be undertaken: Stage 1: A practitioner to practitioner discussion with the aim to resolve, and the outcome recorded. Stage 2: If unresolved, then a Line Manager to Line Manager discussion should occur. Stage 3: Where intervention by Managers has not resolved, then a Senior Manager to Senior Manager discussion should be arranged. Stage 4: If unresolved at Stage 3, the concerned agency should refer to the HSAB’s Independent Chair


Effective working together depends on an open approach and honest relationships. Problem resolution is an integral part of professional co-operation and joint working to safeguard adults.

Find the Policy here:

Safeguarding Young Advisors

Our Safeguarding Partnership Coordinator organised a focus group with members of the Havering Youth Council at the Town Hall to get their views on how best to get young people in Havering, interested in becoming Safeguarding Young Advisors for their local communities. The role will be for those aged up to 25 years of age.

The members of the Youth Council who took part in the focus group provided input in regards to outreach i.e. how best to engage and communicate with young people, offering up helpful feedback to the recruitment materials our Safeguarding Partnership Coordinator has been developing.

The focus group was an enjoyable collaborative session for staff and young people alike, and was an important step forward in the development of the Safeguarding Young Advisor role; a role which will add a new and exciting facet to our multi-agency partnership arrangements.

Special thanks to Kim Hills, Youth Influence and Participation Coordinator and of course the members of the Youth Council for their support and contributions.

Find out more from