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SAB newsletter (June 2022)

Date: Tuesday, 21st Jun 2022 | Category: SAB Newsletter

Probation Service Inspection

Barking, Dagenham and Havering PDU has been selected along with five other London PDU’s to be inspected by HMIP. The inspection is likely to take place during June with fieldwork commencing work on the 27th.  The  inspection will cover domains of leadership and sentence management.

The inspection methodology is around the new framework and will focus very much on PDU level.  The most recent inspection indicated room for improvement, especially in areas of risk management and safeguarding, but the service is confident it is on the right trajectory.

The inspectors may reach out to partners for comment.

Alcohol Change UK

Consultation on the draft Mental Capacity Act Code of Practice

The consultation on the revised Mental Capacity Act (MCA) Code of Practice is open until 7 July. It introduces some very important changes and offers a real opportunity to improve the guidance on using the Act with people who are dependent on alcohol or drugs.

There are some really good things about the draft Code of Practice – for instance, it now contains marginally more mentions of alcohol use and  introduces “executive function” into the guidance. This is a vital step forward for dependent drinkers and their families because it recognises the need to consider not just whether someone can “take” a decision but also whether they can “execute” that decision. It is in putting decisions into effect that many people with compulsive and addictive behaviours have problems.

Alcohol Change strongly encourage organisations and individuals in the substance misuse field to respond and should please consider:

  • endorsing the inclusion of “executive function” in the Code
  • highlighting the need for more case studies about people with alcohol and drug problems. The only current case study regarding alcohol (p.59) does not seem to be a “real-life” situation. More realistic scenarios might include:
    • A decision in a hospital A&E department about a dependent drinker who is repeatedly turning up and leaving with treatment incomplete e.g. with a canula still in her arm
    • A dependent drinker who is unable to protect herself from others
    • A dependent drinker with acquired brain injury and decision-making

Other areas which could be developed include:

  • How do we work out the best interests of people with compulsive behaviours?
  • Providing guidance on how the Liberty Protection Safeguards (which replace DOLS) apply to dependent drinkers and the services they use

Ultimately, there may be a need to develop specific separate guidance on assessing capacity in drinkers (or people with compulsive behaviours).

This is a real opportunity to change things for people who are dependent on alcohol and I do hope that agencies and individuals will take this opportunity. The consultation closes at 11:45pm on 7 July 2022. Respond to the Draft MCA Code of Practice

Saint Francis Hospice

Saint Francis Hospice specialises in providing care for any person, from any faith or cultural background, who has been diagnosed with an advanced or progressive illness.  Saint Francis Hospice offers experienced, compassionate advice and support; please use this link to see our wide range of services

The hospice works alongside GPs, community nurses and hospital specialists to help manage pain and other difficult symptoms, with an aim for comfort, as much independence as possible, and the best possible quality of life.

The hospice team also provides care for people at the end of life, at home and at the hospice. We assess and address spiritual needs, linking in with local religious leaders and we do our best to accommodate any specific dietary requirement, custom or ritual that needs to be upheld.

Often family and friends provide the bulk of care, this can be emotionally and physically hard. If you are caring for someone who is nearing the end of life we are here to stand by your side, supporting you with experience and care.

If you would like to make a referral please follow this link:- or ring our referrals hub on 01708 758606

Carers and Safeguarding

Please see the link below to a briefing from the LGA which provides an update on the ADASS Advice note ‘Carers and Safeguarding Adults’ produced in 2011 for frontline workers. The briefing brings the advice note in line with the Care Act 2014.

 Carers and safeguarding: a briefing for people who work with carers | Local Government Association

Sibling Sexual Abuse

NSPCC Learning has released a new podcast episode looking at sibling sexual abuse, the impact on children and families and the importance of safety plans. This episode features Katy Tomkinson and Rowan Wolfe who work on the NSPCC’s Harmful Sexual Behaviour (HSB) service for children, young people and their families.

Listen to the podcast: Sibling sexual abuse
Watch the podcast on YouTube: Sibling sexual abuse

Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)

A coalition of organisations and experts have come together to publish a set of guidelines on tackling violence against women and girls online. The code of practice suggests regulations for tech companies to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls perpetrated on their platforms.

Read the news story: Coalition of experts announce new code of practice that would hold tech companies to account for online violence against women and girls
Read the guidelines: Violence against women and girls (VAWG) code of practice (PDF)

SARs on the theme of Homelessness

Calderdale Safeguarding Partnerships have produced a thematic review into five men who lived street based lives. The Calderdale Partnership have stated that it is the most impactful review they have ever undertaken.  Please take a look at the review here:

Ukrainian Refugees

Havering Council and YMCA Thames Gateway Group have teamed up to open a new service offering vital support to help Ukrainian refugees to settle in to the borough.

The new one-stop shop based at YMCA Romford, Rush Green Road, has brought together a number of different Council services and local partners to provide essential help to get Ukrainian guests in Havering set up for a new life in the UK.

This includes:

  • opening a bank account
  • registering for a National Insurance number
  • applying to join a GP practice
  • applying for Universal Credit
  • signposting to other key services and community groups.

The ‘shop’ is open every Wednesday from 10am to 4pm.

There is no need to make an appointment – visitors are encouraged to come along when best suits them

A translator will be on hand to offer extra help and there will also be food and drink available for those attending.

SignHealth – Support for deaf adults who are victims of domestic abuse

SignHealth aim to strive to educate, empower, encourage, and protect Deaf people from all forms of domestic abuse using their preferred language, BSL.

SignHealth run the UK’s first and only specialist service for Deaf victims of domestic abuse and their families. Their team of qualified Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs) are Deaf using British Sign Language (BSL) and other international sign languages to support clients. Experts by experience, the team communicate directly with clients, quickly establishing trust and rapport. This model is significantly safer and more cost-effective than using BSL-English interpreter. Non-BSL users are not excluded.

They have a wealth of accessible resources in BSL to give Deaf people fair access to the same vital information as their hearing peers.

Watch videos here: i.e., Sexting, Consent, HBV, FGM and many more.

They also offer training for mainstream/hearing providers – Workshops such as Domestic Abuse in the Deaf Community is a detailed look into domestic abuse in the deaf community and why many deaf people fear to interact with services.  This training is FREE.

Text:      07800 003421 (text only)



Harold Hill Community Hub

Harold Hill Community Hub  moved to its new permanent location of Harold Hill Library (upstairs) on 9 June 2022.

The Hub can be entered from East Dene Drive. The opening times and support available will remain the same, including the Community Food Shop.

Havering Mind Events

Havering Mind are excited to present their annual summer events:

ESSEX TRIBUTE FEST: Saturday 16th July, Harrow Lodge Park, Hornchurch

A great day and evening of the best tribute acts to ABBA, Michael Jackson, Robbie Williams, Whitney Houston, Adele, Kylie Minogue and Little Mix!

ESSEX FAMILY FEST: Sunday 17th July, Harrow Lodge Park, Hornchurch.

A fantastic family day out featuring a range of family themed shows and attractions and a car show!

Tickets are on sale now at:

Learning Disability Week

This year’s Learning Disability Week runs from 20 – 26 June 2022, with a focus on living life with a learning disability. The week aims to build awareness around living with a learning disability and encourage further learning.  To mark the week, NSPCC Learning has pulled together resources to help professionals protect children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and additional needs.

Read the Mencap story: Learning Disability Week

Learning Disability Week 2022

Learning Disabled People & Homelessness Webinar 4 July 2022 – 2-4pm

This webinar will focus on an often-neglected practice concern, namely people with learning disabilities who experience homelessness. There will be presentations on findings from safeguarding adult reviews, alongside a presentation on resources for working with learning disabled people who experience homelessness. “Learning disability increases the risk of homelessness but can be masked and often goes unrecognised by services.

To Book for this event please click the link below:

Should you experience any difficulties with registration or receipt of notifications, please email:

Free SAB Training

Our upcoming training is shown below

29 June 2022 09:30 – 12:30 Safeguarding Adults – Cultural Religious Beliefs
05 July 2022 13:30-16:30 Safeguarding Adults: Financial & Material Abuse
07 July 2022 14:30-16:30 Safer Recruitment
12 July 2022 09:30-13:30 Domestic Abuse
13 July 2022 09:30-16:30 Difficult Conversations, Resilience and Engaging Others
21 July 2022 10:00-15:30 Self-neglect and hoarding

Please click below to view the rest of our Free Training Offer which is frequently updated.

Havering Safeguarding Partnership Training Programme (