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SAB Newsletter (May 2022)

Date: Wednesday, 18th May 2022 | Category: SAB Newsletter

Health and Care Bill

The Health and Care Bill was passed into law in England on 28 April 2022. The new Act establishes 42 Integrated Care Boards (ICBs), which will replace Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) across England from 01 July 2022.

Read the press release: Health and Care Bill granted Royal Assent in milestone for healthcare recovery and reform

Children in Care/ Care Leavers

Homeless Care Leavers

Just for Kids Law, Children’s Rights Alliance for England, New Horizon Youth Centre, and Youth Legal and Resource Centre have published a joint briefing looking at the barriers faced by homeless care leavers. Barriers identified include: personal advisors and local authorities not providing the support needed to prevent homelessness, difficulty providing the evidence needed to prove priority need for older care leavers, young people being deemed intentionally homeless; and a lack of suitable accommodation. Recommendations include: the Government should extend priority need to include all care leavers; the Government should remove the test of intentional homelessness for all care leavers up to the age of 25; and all local authorities should develop a joint housing protocol for care leavers.
The Independent Care Review needs to recommend better protections for care leavers against homelessness

Impact of Covid 19 on Children in care and care leavers 

Newham Council has published a report on Covid-19’s impact on looked after children and care leavers in Newham. Findings show that children were unable to see their biological parents due to coronavirus restrictions. Children also found it hard to access face-to-face support services and young people who were new into care, or already experiencing instability in their placements, found coping with the pandemic particularly challenging.

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected children in care and care leavers?

Justice Bills receive royal assent

The Ministry of Justice and the Home Office have announced that several Bills have received royal assent.

The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act includes extended “positions of trusts” laws to protect teenagers from abuse by making it illegal for sports coaches and religious leaders to engage in sexual activity with 16 and 17-year-olds in England and Wales.

The Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act raises the legal age of marriage in England and Wales to 18, from the current 16 with parental or judicial consent.

This Act also creates a new offence of arranging a child marriage with use of coercion- it is already illegal to arrange a child marriage with the threat of violence or other abuse.
New court orders will crack down on knife crime, making it easier to stop and search known knife offenders and prevent future tragedies.

The Approved Premises (Substance Testing) Act strengthens the Probation Service’s ability to tackle drug abuse among offenders through new compulsory testing to reduce reoffending.

Domestic abuse victims will be given more time to report incidents of common assault or battery and higher maximum penalties will be introduced for child cruelty offences. Judges will now be able to hand down life sentences to dangerous drivers who kill on our roads and the act also halts the automatic early release of offenders deemed to be a danger to the public.

The PCSC Act also doubles the maximum penalty from 12 months to 2 years for those who assault police or other emergency workers, such as prison officers, fire service personnel or frontline health workers – helping to protect those who put their lives on the line to keep communities safe. It will also bring ‘Harpers Law’ onto the statute book, introducing mandatory life sentences for anyone convicted of killing an emergency worker whilst committing a crime.

See the full report here: Boost for public safety as four justice bills receive Royal Assent

Modern Slavery

The Independent Anti-Slavery Commission has published its annual report looking at modern slavery. The Commissioner also discusses national efforts to improve strategic responses.

Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner Annual Report 2021-2022

DBS Regional Outreach Service – Greater London

The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) has launched a new Regional Outreach Service to focus on working collaboratively with safeguarding and recruiting organisations. The aim is to work closer with organisations and networks to build and develop relationships, acting as a single point of contact for all DBS related enquiries within their region. Kiran Rehal is the DBS Regional Outreach Advisor for Greater London and will be based in the region. She is available to discuss all matters in relation to DBS, as well as support you and your colleagues in safeguarding and safer recruitment. Kiran is able to work with you and your organisation in a number of ways, including:

  • Answering phone calls or emails to clarify any DBS related queries/questions or advice • Attending meetings, training, conferences or visiting organisations to have a face to face discussion (in lines with pandemic restrictions)
  • Developing and delivering presentations, workshops, webinars or discussions to provide an overview of DBS and safer recruitment
  • Taking any feedback, suggestions or comments from DBS experiences and feeding this back into the business • Helping to understand what level of check can be applied for and what information these checks will provide
  • Informing organisations and employers of their duty or power to refer individuals who may pose a future risk of harm within regulated activity. Including an overview of:
  • How to make barring referrals;
  • When should a referral be made and
  • How DBS assess whether a referred person should be included on the Children’s and/or Adults’ Barred List.

If you have any questions regarding the DBS or would like any further information, please contact

Tel: 0300 105 3081

Missing in Transition

The charities Missing People and NWG Network are collaborating, alongside the National Police Chief’s Council (NPCC), to better understand what happens to children and young people who are regularly going missing as they transition to adulthood.

Going missing can be a warning sign of serious harm including exploitation, mental health issues and abuse. Looked After Children are at higher risk of going missing than others and that some will go missing repeatedly.

The survey is looking for information from local areas about the challenges they are facing in the response for young adults who continue to go missing and any good practices around the transition age.
This survey should only take up to 10 minutes to fill out and will help to encourage good practice nationally.

Safe connections – Local Support for people facing suicide

Safe Connections, a recently launched new suicide prevention helpline and hub has launched and now gone live.

The Safe Connections service is a collaboration between Mind in Tower Hamlets, Newham and Redbridge, Mind in The City, Hackney and Waltham Forest and Mind in Havering and Barking & Dagenham. The service will operate across seven boroughs across Northeast London (Tower Hamlets, Newham, Redbridge, Hackney, Waltham Forest, Havering, and Barking & Dagenham), and The City.

The Suicide Prevention Helpline number is 0300 561 0115 and currently operates Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 4.30pm. It is a self-referral service that provides a warm and safe space to explore suicidal feelings, triggers, and the underlying causes. Callers are supported to find and access other local services in the community that can support to manage, or reduce suicidal feelings.

Anyone who calls outside of the operating hours can leave an answerphone message and  will be contacted as soon as possible. If making the first call is challenging for someone, contact can be made by emailing . Please provide your clients with the helpline number and/or safe connections email address, depending on what makes them more comfortable to refer themselves. Please also circulate information about this service with your wider networks. This is not a crisis service, however, they can support someone in crisis to explore appropriate support and signpost them to crisis intervention services or resources.

There is more information about the service on the Mind in Tower Hamlets and Newham website:

If you are working with someone who is bereaved by suicide, information can be found about the Postvention service – Grief in Pieces: Support for Suicide Loss, which is part of the Safe Connections Hub and delivered by Mind in The City, Hackney and Waltham Forest. Please see link to their website below:

Safeguarding Vulnerable Young People on Public Transport (Operation Henderson)

Operation Henderson, is a joint initiative being run by the Essex Safeguarding Children Board, Southend Safeguarding Children Partnership and Thurrock Safeguarding Children Partnership, British Transport Police, Essex Police, the Violence and Vulnerability Unit, Greater Anglia, C2C, TfL, The Railway Children, The Children’s Society, Social Care and local councils. It aims to raise awareness of the vulnerability of young people to exploitation and abuse at stations and transport networks in parts of

Research and local data have shown transport networks are used by vulnerable young people who may be at risk of sexual exploitation, criminal exploitation and trafficking. Young people often gravitate towards stations because they are traditionally busy, anonymous places that also provide some form of shelter and access to food and drink. Bus and rail networks can also be used by offenders to traffic young people for the purpose of sexual and criminal exploitation.

As well as members of the public, all staff working within and around a station, from ticket collectors to engineers, coffee shop workers to cleaners, play an important role in safeguarding vulnerable young people.

A young person may use a station or form of public transport in an attempt to disappear. Young people run away for a number of reasons, on most occasions they return home safely. Every situation is different and there are no set rules about when a child should be considered missing. However, if you have any doubts about whether to contact the police formally to report a child missing, the police will be happy to discuss your concerns and offer advice about what to do.

Find out more about what to do if your child is missing.

Spot the signs of exploitation

  • Online commodities – receiving game currency and other gifts within games.
  • Children who are alone and look frightened and maybe have no tickets or money to pay the fare
  • Children/adults who look frightened in the company of other children or adults
  • Children travelling alone at night
  • Those who do not look comfortable with adults they are travelling with
  • Allows others to speak for them when addressed directly
  • Those under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Children in school uniform during the school day
  • Their physical appearance may show signs of injury, malnourishment and maybe unkempt
  • They might seem unfamiliar with the local area, or not have a local accent
  • They could be travelling during school hours or unusual hours (early in the morning, late at night)
  • Are they travelling the same route on a regular basis (once or twice a week)?
  • They could be receiving excessive texts or phone calls
  • Are they deliberately avoiding authority figures such as police officers or railway staff?
  • Some may be with older individuals who are purchasing tickets for them or giving them money for tickets.

Stalking Awareness

The 25th-29th April was National Stalking Awareness Week. The theme was Bridging the Gap’, highlighting the vital role that stalking advocates play in bridging the gap between the victim and the criminal justice system. Sometimes it can be hard for victims to navigate police investigations and court hearings, hence why the role of advocates is so integral in ensuring the victims remain empowered by keeping their voice at the forefront of the case.

Stalking Facts

  • 2 incidents can constitute as stalking
  • The is often as escalation of risk to those being stalked as the stalker is becoming increasingly fixated and obsessed
  • 30-40% of all stalking cases involve physical assault
  • 91% of stalking victims reported suffering mental health problems
  • 94% of victims of femicide were stalked by their murderer prior to death
  • 80% of stalking victims are women.
  • In England and Wales, in 2018 there were an estimated 1.5 million victims of stalking. This equates to approximately 200,000 victims in London.
  • 75% of domestic violence stalkers will turn up at the workplace and 79% will use their work recourses to target their victims
  • There is no specific legal definition of stalking. However, the police and CPS have adopted the following description:
  • “A pattern of unwanted, fixated and obsessive behaviour which is intrusive. It can include harassment that amounts to stalking or stalking that causes fear of violence or serious alarm or distress in the victim.”
  • There is no such thing as a ‘typical’ stalking perpetrator or a ‘typical’ stalking victim. This crime disproportionately affects women and girls; however, it is important to recognise that men and boys may be victims too. Stalking affects people of all ages, and victims come from a wide range of backgrounds – stalking is not restricted to public figures and celebrities.
  • Perpetrators will vary in the motivations driving their behaviour, the types of behaviour they engage in, and what they hope to achieve from their pursuit of the victim.

The relationship between the perpetrator and the victim, as well as the context, in which the stalking behaviour takes place, can also vary significantly.

The perpetrator’s behaviours may appear ‘harmless’ and may in themselves seem lawful, particularly if considered in isolation rather than as part of a pattern of behaviour. However, these behaviours may amount to stalking depending on:

  • the context of the behaviour;
  • the motivations driving the behaviour; and
  • the impact on the victim

How can you support victims of stalking?

In addition to support from the Suzy Lamplugh Trust, there are a number of other resources and support mechanisms to consider as a part of safety planning with their victims. Here are a few examples but this is not an exhaustive list:

  • Reporting stalking and harassment to the police. Calling 101 for non-emergency crimes and reporting online.
  • Local IDVA services, these include the Havering IDVA team, Havering Women’s Aid, Victims support and MENDAS for male victims.
  • Signposting to a local solicitor or accessing DV Flag East to explore legal options to try to reduce the risk of contact using appropriate court orders.
  • Completing a DASH – RIC and then a possible referral to MARAC if the high-risk threshold.
  • Completing a request for Clare’s Law under the ‘Right to Know’ process, rather than advising victims to do it themselves. ‘Right to Know’ could be a safer way to manage the risk for the victim until point of disclosure.
  • Does the victim work? Is there a policy to support victims of DV and Stalking in the workplace that could support them during their working hours?
  • National Stalking helpline – 0808 802 0300

Seeking support for Stalking:

The Suzy Lamplugh Trust offers specific support for victims of stalking and operates the National Stalking Helpline. Victims should visit the following website to fill in an online form seeking help:

Susy Lamplugh Trust also provide a pan-London Stalking Advocacy service that victims living in Havering are able to access should they need to. They can self-refer or professionals can also use this link to complete a referral form to support victims.

There are lots of useful tools on the webpage of the Susy Lamplugh Trust include a stalking self-assessment tool. The stalking advice offered is in regards to stranger stalking as well as stalking behaviours in regards to domestic abuse.

Please see below for victims of stalking:

Essential information for victims of stalking

7 minute briefings

Please see the new 7 minute briefings for PIPOT and MCA

Free SAB Training

The Havering Safeguarding Partnerships Training Programme 2022-23 is now available on our website. Please

For general training enquiries:

Safeguarding Week –  survey

Preparations are now beginning for Havering Safeguarding Week 2022 which is likely to take place in November. Our Training and Development Officer Shakira Gordon would appreciate your participation in a very short survey (just three questions) to help her understand what you would like from this event.

A direct link to the survey can be found here:

It can also be found on our website under safeguarding week