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SAB Newsletter (March 2022)

Date: Wednesday, 16th Mar 2022 | Category: SAB Newsletter

Community Outreach Fund – Building a Police Service that understands the communities it serves

Please see the email below from Chief Superintendent Jeff Boothe at New Scotland Yard:

Dear Colleagues and Community Stakeholders

The Outreach Team would like to offer you the opportunity to apply for funding, which has been made available to support the Mayor’s Action Plan for police officer recruitment; and underpins the MPS drive to build a police service that better represents and understands the communities it serves.

The creation of a Community Outreach Fund is looking to support community led groups, charities and external partners, with a particular focus on those from the black community; by offering the opportunity to bid for grant funding in the development of initiatives; which will directly support the MPS in attracting more females and people from underrepresented groups, with a specific focus upon the black community, where confidence in policing is low.

We would like to offer external organisations and businesses with previous experience of delivering engagement activities to provide a proposal of an initiative which will help deliver the objectives of the MPS Attraction Strategy.

Further details on the funding and how to apply can be found in the prospectus attached, additionally we will be holding a series of online seminars to provide further information and answer any questions you may have. The dates of the seminars have been attached for your information.

It is encouraged you consider the funding opportunity and share with others who you believe can support the MPS drive to build a police service that better represents and understands the communities it serves.

The deadline for the next application submission is the 29th April 2022.

Please see attachments:

Community Outreach Fund Seminar Ms Teams LInk March

Community Outreach Fund Seminar Ms Teams Links April_

Community Outreach Fund Prospectus

Community Outreach Fund Application – Final

Kind regards

Chief Superintendent Jeff Boothe

Professionalism HQ Outreach Lead

New Scotland Yard,

Victoria Embankment,

London,  SW1A 2JL

Community MARAC & DV/DA MARAC – 7 Minute Briefing

Please see attached:

Community MARAC – 7 Minute Briefing

DA_DV MARAC – 7 Minute Briefing

LeDeR Programme and Autistic Adults Webinar

 From 1 January 2022, Learning from lives and deaths for people with a learning disability and autistic people (LeDeR), has been extended to include Autistic adults (18 years and over).

To create awareness around the programme extension, the NEL CCG LeDeR Programme is hosting a webinar for all Health and Social care Practitioners and Community Services’ staff working with autistic adults on Friday, 8 April 2022 between 11-12.15pm to discuss the addition of autistic adults on the LeDeR programme and their ‘lived experience.’

There will also be a short presentation on the LeDeR process for Autistic Adults, expected outcomes and how to notify a death.

Please click this link to register for the webinar.

LeDeR Programme is now reviewing deaths of Autistic adults Registration, Fri 8 Apr 2022 at 11:00 | Eventbrite


Andrew Carpenter, Autism Programme Development Lead, NHS England

Rachel Penney, Learning Disabilities and Autism Strategic Lead, NHS NEL CCG

Beatrice Kivengea, LeDeR Programme Coordinator, NHS NEL CCG

For more information please contact Beatrice Kivengea, LeDeR Programme Coordinator at

Direct Payments – Oversight

The Local Government Association (LGA) and the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) have been working closely with Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) in working with people who take and manage  direct payments.

Post-COVID-19 Syndrome Survey

Healthwatch Havering, Redbridge and Barking and Dagenham are working together to learn more about people’s experiences of living with Post Covid Syndrome (Long Covid) and the support that they may have received.

If you have Long Covid or think you may have, please complete this survey which will be open until 31 March 2022.

It will take around 10 minutes of your time. Everything you say is confidential but it could really help services in the borough be better for everyone.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with Healthwatch Redbridge at

Domestic Abuse and Housing

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities is consulting on: whether to remove Local Connection Tests, which can prevent people from applying for social housing if they do not have a connection to a local area, for people who have experienced domestic abuse in England; and whether to change rules which make it difficult for people who have experienced domestic abuse to remove their perpetrators from joint tenancies in England. The consultations close on 10 May 2022.

Read the press release: 
More support for domestic abuse victims to rebuild their lives
Read the consultation documents: 
Consultation on local connection requirements for social housing for victims of domestic abuse
Consultation on the impacts of joint tenancies on victims of domestic abuse

Violence Against Women and Girls

In the UK, a violent man kills a woman every three days. The Mayor of London has launched the “Have a Word” campaign to challenge unacceptable male behaviour, which often leads to violence.

Every single man can play a part in making women and Havering safer.  Challenge sexism and misogyny. Whether it’s on the streets, in a group chat, at home, or in the pub, raise your voice.

Watch the powerful campaign video and please share widely.

Free online Modern Slavery training for London based councils, Police, NHS and Community Groups – Lived Experience Led Training   15-31 March 2022

The Human Trafficking Foundation has been working with an inspiring group of survivors, and parents of survivors, to develop unique modern slavery training for professionals in London. The training has been designed by the trainers with lived experience in order to include the topics they think are most important for professionals to know. The purpose of this training is to embed lived experiences into learning to help improve understanding, attitudes and services available.

Please share this link with colleagues.

Children in Care and Care Leavers

The All Party Parliamentary Group for Children in Care and Care Leavers has published a report outlining findings from a spotlight inquiry looking at what ‘community’ means to care-experienced people and exploring what might be done to help strengthen important community relationships and connections for children in care in England. The inquiry heard from more than 300 people with experience of the care system, of which 130 were care-experienced young people. The report makes 15 specific recommendations to help improve the experiences of children in care and care leavers covering: relationships, identity, corporate parenting and stigma.

Commission on Young Lives – Chaired by Anne Longfield

The Commission on Young Lives has published a report looking at ways to support families to keep young people safe from gang exploitation and abuse.  The report makes recommendations including: a shift to early intervention services; spotting problems quickly and intervening swiftly to resolve them for all families; the development or expansion of models of long-term support for families, including help to develop parenting strategies, which support and protect teenagers who are vulnerable to harm; and the provision of intensive high-level support for families to protect, support and safeguard their teenage children if they are involved in violence, gangs, are being exploited or are at risk of becoming involved in the criminal justice system.

Read the news story: The Commission on Young Lives publishes new report – ”a new partnership with families: supporting families to keep teenagers safe from gangs, exploitation and abuse”
Read the report: A new partnership with families: supporting families to keep teenagers safe from gangs, exploitation and abuse (PDF)

Police Cross  Borough Operation

Havering Council joined local police recently on a cross-borough operation, Operation Gambler, targeting car thieves, burglars and other crime and anti-social behaviour. It was a successful operation, which saw 27 arrests for a number of offences including the handling of weapons, burglary, possession of stolen goods and Class A drugs.

This was a great example of sharing information and the partnership working of the police across Havering and neighbouring boroughs. The operations are run and co-ordinated by both Metropolitan and Essex police forces, using officers from the Havering Taskforce and the Road Crime teams.

Also involved are officers from the East Intercept Team, known as Spiders, traffic and dogs teams, plus special constabulary. This is a long running and successful operation between the Metropolitan and Essex Police.

The operation targets criminals who cross police force boundaries with the intention of committing crimes such as robbery, burglary and supplying drugs. To date the operation has secured more than 700 arrests overall with numerous stolen vehicles, weapons and drugs recovered.

Free NEL Training- North East London Training Hubs are pleased to offer staff across NEL funded training shown below. Please do promote across your teams and services

An Introduction to Communicating Effectively with Vulnerable Adults with Learning Disability and/or Autism 

Thursday 24th March 2022, 1230 – 1330

Monday 28th March 2022, 1230 – 1330

*only required to attend one date*

This one hour workshop will provide an introduction to understanding effective communication with people with Learning Disability and/or Autism.

The workshop will focus on ‘effective communication’, and include exploration of relevant terminology. This is an introductory session for mainly non-clinical staff groups of all roles and backgrounds. Workshop will be interactive and will utilise scenarios to highlight effective and non-effective communication


Events delivered by Hijinx Training. Hijinx is a professional theatre company working to pioneer, produce and promote opportunities for actors with learning disabilities and/or autism to create outstanding productions

Bullying and Harassment – what do you need to know 

Tuesday 22nd March 1030 – 1200

Wednesday 27th April 1030 – 1200

North East London Training Hubs are delighted to invite all health and care staff an opportunity to join a conversation introducing the subject of bullying and harassment in the workplace.

There is an increasing awareness of the effect bullying and harassment can have on individual, team and organisational welfare. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) has estimated that over 50% of stress cases at work involve bullying, and the increasing costs of compensation can be staggering.

How will the events be delivered? And who can attend?

Events will be delivered via Zoom, virtual, interactive format. All by experienced subject experts. Anybody working in the public sector across North East London Health and Social Care setting can register to attend.


Workshops delivered in collaboration with external partner in-equilibrium

Suicide First Aid Lite (4 hours)

Multiple dates available from April – June

CLICK HERE to register you place

The Suicide First Aid Lite (delivered virtually) is a half day course giving learners the knowledge and tools to understand that suicide is one of the most preventable deaths and some basic skills can help someone with thoughts of suicide stay safe from their thoughts and stay alive.

SFA Lite is comprised of 2 parts over half day. The programme teaches the skills needed to identify someone who may be thinking about suicide and to pass the person onto a suicide first aider.

Suicide First Aid Lite (Virtual) training offers learning outcomes that are knowledge based and factual. This training can be used as a stand-alone programme or as the first part of a journey to learn suicide prevention skills.

Method of delivery:

Taught over half day using tutor facilitated Socratic learning, tutor-led role- play, mini lectures, group work and audio-visual presentations. This is a has some interactive elements and is an emotionally engaging learning experience. Use of Camera and microphone is essential for quality and safety reasons, otherwise you will be asked to leave the session

Pre-training requirement

No previous experience or training is necessary. Participants will be asked to self-reflect and empathise with a person having thoughts of suicide.

Who should attend?

Multi-sector practitioners including health, housing, social care, education, criminal justice, call centre operators, private, voluntary and public sector workers and community members.

Suicide First Aid: Understanding Suicide Intervention (2 x half days)

Wednesday 8th & Thursday 9th June 2022, 1300 – 1700 (both days)

Wednesday 6th & Thursday 7th July 2022, 0930 – 1230 (both days)

Wednesday 13th & Thursday 14th July 2022, 1300 – 1700 (both days)

Click on the course dates to register

The one day course (delivered across 2 half days virtually) is accredited by City & Guilds, making it the route to the UK’s only national qualification in Suicide Prevention. The programme is evidence-based, interactive, and covers both theory and practical skills. Training open to all staff working in North East London

Participants learn and practice the skills needed to identify someone who may be thinking about suicide, and to competently intervene to help create a safe plan, as a first aid approach.

Course content:

  • The impact and value of personal and professional experience with suicide
  • Barriers that prevent people at risk seeking help
  • Prevalence of suicide thoughts and suicide behaviours
  • The Signs of Suicide and the Suicide-Safety Guide
  • Partnership working and community resources

Methods of delivery

Taught as a full-day course, using tutor-facilitated Socratic learning, tutor-led role- play, mini lectures, group work and audio-visual presentations. Use of Camera and microphone is essential for quality and safety reasons, otherwise you will be asked to leave the session

Learning outcomes:

  • Suicide behaviour; reasons and magnitude of the community health problem.
  • Role of the carer in managing suicide interventions; different roles with different people
  • Understand approaches and process of suicide intervention including desired outcomes
  • Understand the importance of self-reflection and personal impact when working with suicide and people at risk

What previous attendees have feedback:

“Really informative and brilliant course that had clear steps in how to support anyone thinking about suicide”

Self-Harm awareness workshop (online delivery)

Multiple dates

CLICK HERE to register

The session delivered by Psychological Approaches CIC and will provide participants with a trauma informed perspective of self-harm. An overview of how the roots of self-harm lie in the person’s attachment history will offer participants a compassionate way to understand the behaviours, and inform caring approaches for supporting clients.

Learning outcomes include:

  • Awareness of what is meant by self-harm and its relevance to mental health distress
  • Awareness of the triggers which might cause someone to self-harm
  • Awareness of stigma associated with self-harm
  • Awareness of how to engage with and support someone who may be self-harming or considering suicide
  • Awareness of relational factors which may help to prevent of self-harm
  • Consideration of how family and friends may support people who self-harm
  • Awareness of support and treatment options available to individuals and families in relation to self-harm

Who can attend?

Anybody who feels they need an introduction training on Self Harm can attend

How will the training be delivered?

All sessions are delivered virtually. Delivery format will be a mixed of lecture format and interactivity.

All events will be delivered through Zoom platform. Joining instructions will be shared at least 48 hours prior to event date. Limited spaces available, book early!*

**Please add you name to waiting list if courses are fully subscribed so priority places can be offered to you for future dates**

***DNA charge applies in the event of failure to attend following booking***

For any further information re any of the above courses please email