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SAB Newsletter (January 2022)

Date: Wednesday, 16th Mar 2022 | Category: SAB Newsletter

New Havering Safeguarding Partnerships Website

Havering Safeguarding Adults Board will be launching its website!  The website will be shared with Havering’s Safeguarding Children Partnership and will be accessed at

Please do visit the site when it launches on Monday 31 January 2022 and share details with your wider network

Tapestry Hot Food

For vulnerable people access to good food is vital and is needed for good mental and physical health and wellbeing. During the pandemic at the start of the first lockdown, Tapestry established an emergency food delivery service to provide hot and healthy meals to vulnerable adults of all ages. They have since delivered over 28,000 meals and continue to deliver 450-500 meals per week

The scheme was supported initially through donations from the National Lottery and Barclays Bank, but since April it has been funded by Tapestry and their clients. Sadly the scheme is now in jeopardy as Tapestry cannot continue to operate at a loss. They are not asking for money, instead they need to deliver just 250 more meals per week to make it financially sustainable. They know the demand is there, but they need help to raise awareness. They intend to approach the press next week, but it would be helpful if partners could use whatever opportunities available to let people know about this service

Further information: Food Delivery Services for Vulnerable People Living in Havering

Integrated Care Service

In order to allow sufficient time for the remaining parliamentary stages of the Health and Care Bill, a revised target date of 1 July 2022 has been agreed for the implementation of the Integrated Care Service and Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) to be legally and operationally established. This is a change from the previous target date of 1 April 2022. Please see here for the latest NHS England and Improvement  planning guidance

In the meantime with help from the Havering Compact, the voluntary sector are in the process of establishing 4 working groups to form a strategy that will feed into the Borough Partnership to ensure that their views are heard. The working groups and organisational leads are as follows:

  • Health and Care- Age UK will lead
  • Patient Advocacy – Over 50’s forum will lead
  • Social Prescribing – Citizens Advice Bureau will lead
  • Supporting Organisations – Havering Volunteer Centre will lead

The leads for each of these groups have met and signed off their Terms of Reference and will meet up intermittently to share agenda items and avoid duplicity.

The Havering Compact will continue to provide updates and support.

Self Harm

The National Institute for Health Care and Excellence (NICE) is consulting on a new draft guideline on self-harm, setting out the responsibilities of non-mental health specialists when caring for people who self-harm in England. The guidance includes information on assessment and care in schools and educational settings. A recent national study showed that 21.5% of girls and 9.7% of boys aged 17-19 have self- harmed or attempted suicide. The consultation closes on 01 March 2022.

Read the news story: Self-harm is everyone’s business, NICE says in new draft guideline

Read the consultation documents: Self harm: assessment, management and preventing recurrence

Care Leavers

Ofsted has published a report looking at children in care and care leavers’ views on the planning and preparation that happens before they leave care in England. Findings from 255 responses to an online survey of children in care aged 16 to 17 and older care leavers include: more than a third of care leavers felt that they left care too early; many care leavers felt alone or isolated when they left care and did not know where to get help with their mental health or emotional well-being; and over a quarter of care leavers said they did not meet their personal advisor (PA) until they were 18 or older, despite statutory guidance requiring that young people should be introduced to their PA from age 16.
Read the press release: Care leavers feel they left care too early, Ofsted finds

Read the report: ‘Ready or not’: care leavers’ views of preparing to leave care

COVID-19 Commemorations

The Council has planted a tree at Queens Hospital in honour of NHS staff and our social care providers for keeping our residents safe throughout the pandemic.

The dedicated ceremony was the first of the borough’s COVID -19 tree commemorations. The ceremony was attended by representatives of both the Council and BHRUT, with the Deputy Mayor of Havering Cllr Christine Vickery, the Leader of Havering Council Cllr Damian White and BHRUT Chief Executive Matthew Trainer all contributing speeches commemorating frontline health workers. BHRUT Chaplain Tony Minter blessed the tree, which will provide a space for quiet reflection for both patients and staff for years to come. The project will see trees planted at vaccination centres, testing sites, ward parks and an extensive woodland of over 4,000 trees at Hornchurch Country Park.

The trees are a living testament to those who have lost their lives or loved ones, whilst honouring the significant efforts by key workers to keep our residents safe during the pandemic.