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Havering Multi-Agency Safeguarding Partnerships

Welcome to the website for Havering’s Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) and Safeguarding Children Partnership (SCP).

As a Children’s Partnership we use the multi-agency Pan London Threshold for children . The threshold document can be found here Indicators of Need Matrix.

From this joint landing page, you will be able to navigate to the separate areas of the site that focus on the SAB and the SCP and the work each of them does to safeguard and promote the welfare of adults and children in the borough.

These areas of the website feature information on a range of different safeguarding issues which we hope will be helpful to Havering residents, be they adults, children, young people or their parents and carers.

These areas also feature information on safeguarding policy, guidance and practice issues which we hope will be useful for practitioners, volunteers and anyone else works across the local multi-agency partnerships for adults and children.

Each of these sections includes a button anyone visiting the website can click if they need to raise a safeguarding concern in relation to a particular adult, child or young person.

From this landing page, practitioners, volunteers and other workers will be able to navigate to a section that includes information about Havering’s multi-agency safeguarding training offer, where staff can view the current programme and book place on individual courses as required.

This website has been designed to comply with the new regulations which ensure that public websites are accessible to everyone, across a range of devices.

The content on the website will be regularly reviewed and, if you have any suggestions as to how it could be improved, please let us know by emailing